Spectacular results from hands-on efforts restoring & regenerating bushland.
Our bushcare actions.
Bush regeneration.
Mosman’s Bushcare volunteers are a part of a strong local and regional community network of friendly people working towards a common environmental goal to conserve and manage biodiversity and the genetic integrity of Bushland for current and future generations to enjoy.
Our bush regeneration projects provide friendly and safe social contact, fresh air, exercise, distraction and relief from life’s stresses, and the inestimable satisfaction of doing your bit to maintain a priceless legacy. You can choose and vary your type and level of involvement.
A grant for nesting boxes.
In 2018, with the encouragement of the NSW Member for North Shore, Facility Wilson, Mosman parks & Bushland Association applied for and received a grant for nesting boxes from the NSW Government Minister's Conservation Fund.
With advice from experts in nesting box programs the Committee accessed the nesting boxes as well as cameras to monitor their visitors and inhabitants.
With native species under ever increasing threat from loss of habitat, urban bushland has a role to play in their preservation. This project has made an interesting extension to our bush regeneration work.
Greening our City
With our support Mosman Council made a successful application for a grant from the NSW Government in the 2020 Greening Our City Program. The grant was applied to expanding the native tree canopy in Mosman’s urban bushland.
Appropriate species were selected for reserves around Mosman and Mosman Parks & Bushland Association members swung into action to complete the plantings.
Mosman House project
Following Mosman Parks & Bushland Association members’ work at Biala Aboriginal Hostel for girls (see news story below) we were asked in late 2020 if we could help out with the garden at Mosman House, the former Mosman Hospital, now being used as accomodation for women in need of assistance. After conferring with the Mosman Garden Club, we joined forces with them to clear weeds and inappropriate plants and replace them with more suitable plants. This is an ongoing project and We are hoping to inspire residents to join our efforts.
Bushcare news.
“Honestly, there’s something truly wonderful about being able to spend time in nature knowing that your efforts will allow bushland to heal and regenerate.”
— Mosman Parks & Bushland Association Volunteer
The committee team, assisted by the Northern Beaches bushcare officer got to work with some heavy weeding, mulching, native plantings and last of all some flower power.